Homeowner Updates
August 10, 2021

Back-to-School Spotlight: Brett & Amelia

Today’s Habitat Back-to-School Spotlights are siblings Brett and Amelia!

Brett is starting the 1st grade and is excited to see his friends again. His favorite subject is science loves all of the history and experiments. He especially like learning about dinosaurs and space. When he grows up he wants to be a professional motorcycle rider….Vroooom! Outside of school, Brett does moto-cross with his grandpa and uncle. He wants to try out football one day. His goal for this school year is to “make mommy proud of my grades”! We know a smart boy like you is going to do great, Brett!

Amelia is about to begin “big girl school” as a kindergartener this year. Ever since her brother started school, she has been excited to follow in his footsteps. Her favorite subjects are art…and napping (good choice!). Amelia is a big swimmer outside of school. Her family even thinks she might be part fish! When she grows up, she wants to be a princess.

The sibling’s aunt, Hannah, is a Habitat homeowner. She believes school is important because “it gives them a chance to be a kid, but learn in an environment with other kids. This gives them the social skills outside of family. This will help them become the good adults they will eventually be.

Living in a safe, secure, and affordable home is important for a child’s education and future. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Habitat for Humanity program, please check out out Apply Page on our website for more information.

“Home is where my kids can grow into well formed adults. Where they can set their backpacks down and know that they are safe.”