Homeowner Bios
June 4, 2021

Homeowner Bio: The Holmes Family

“I am building because I want my kids to actually have a home that is theirs!”

Darriel Holmes is a single mother of four who has been working at Wells Fargo for over two years. Her daughters, Ken’Nylah (age 9) and Rayelle (age 1), love to play with their toys and to watch YouTube. Her sons, Kendrick (age 6) and Keondrick (age 7) love dinosaurs, playing with their toys, and watching movies. The family is very close and would describe themselves as very caring and loving.

The Holmes Family’s living situation has been very challenging because they are having to move a lot and Darriel would like a place for her kids to live in for a long time. After receiving the news that she was accepted into the Habitat program, her dream is becoming a reality. “My life and future will be different because I’ll have something to show and leave my kids!”

Darriel’s Habitat home will be her family’s dream home. “The thing I’m most looking forward to is my own bathroom in my room!”

“Don’t ever stop pushing! Always chase your dreams no matter how hard it may seem. The outcome will all be worth it!”