Homeowner Bios
February 5, 2020

Homeowner Bio: The Holmes Family

Brittany is a loving mom and aunt to Lanard and Jayden. She became Lanard’s legal guardian when she was just 24 years old. She works as an office manager to support her family.

The boys enjoy spending time together playing video games. Jayden loves dogs, books, football and basketball. Lanard helps take care of Jayden and enjoys playing sports with his friends.

“The house that we are currently living in is not an adequate size for our family after adding Lanard into the home. The roof leaks, and bugs, dirt, etc. are a common intrusion.”

When Brittany found out her family had been accepted into the Habitat program she was very thankful. “My heart was so full, our family is able to move into a new home that is equipped with everything needed to live a happy healthy life. This is life-changing for me and my family.”

“Earning sweat equity was a great experience. We were able to learn steps on how a home is built. A lot of work goes into building these homes for families in need. It was a very humbling experience.”

Brittany encourages those thinking about volunteering with Habitat, “Do it! It is so much fun and you are really able to connect with people, it is just such a great thing to do. You feel really good afterward knowing the support you are giving to the community.

“I know my life will change with a habitat home. The boys will each have their own room, where they can grow and enjoy their privacy. We will have a new and updated place to call home forever. Also, I am very excited to become a homeowner as that is a very large milestone for someone my age to accomplish.”

The Holmes Family home was dedicated in 2019 and was sponsored by the Valspar Championship and Copperhead Charities.