Homeowner Updates
August 10, 2021

Back-to-School Spotlight: Steven Jr., Ivy, & Dievan

We are continuing our Habitat Back-to-School Spotlights today with Steven Jr., Ivy, and Dievan!

Steven Jr. is starting his freshman year of college at William Penn University. His favorite subject is sports medicine and loves to play football. In the future, he would actually like to make it to next level NFL. His dad says “He is that good.” We wish Steven the best of luck at college and hope to see him at the Super Bowl some day!

Ivy is a rising 5th grader whose favorite subject is history. Outside of school, she is involved in dance and would like to be a classical dance instructor when she grows up.

Dievan is starting the 4th grade and his favorite subject is math. Outside of school, Dee plays football. When we asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, his grandfather responded “Dievan…now that’s a whole nother story, but he has great ambition!” We know he will grow up to do amazing things one day!

Steven Jr.’s dad and Ivy & Dee’s grandfather is future Habitat homeowner, Steven. He tells us that “Each and everyone of the are looking to have a full school year this year, especially Steven Jr. They want to have a successful school year. No outbreaks of COVID shutting down the school system this year.” We hope so too! When we asked Steven why school is important to his family, he responded with “Without education it is hard to advance in society and education is the background to life”. We couldn’t agree more!

A successful education could not be possible without a safe and stable home. Habitat for Humanity make’s sure that children that go through the program are able to grow and flourish in their new home. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Habitat for Humanity program, please check out the Apply Page on our website for more information.

“Home is where family is.”