Closure Notice: Our Construction Sites and Admin Offices will be closed Monday, December 23rd. We will reopen on Monday, January 6th.
Homeowner Updates
August 10, 2021

Back-to-School Spotlight: Geryiah, Zariah, & Kemarien

Today our Habitat Back-to-School spotlights are Geriyah, Zariah, and Kemarien!

Geriyah and Zariah are sisters who are entering the 6th grade together. The start of middle school will be a big transition for them, and they are excited to have six teachers this year instead of two. Geriyah’s favorite subject is science and she wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Zariah wants to be a lawyer when she is older and her favorite subject is math. Both of the girls cheer for the Dunedin Jr. Falcons.

The girl’s younger brother, Kemarien, is starting the 3rd grade. He has one of his favorite teachers this year, which he is very excited for. Kemarien loves to read and wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. He currently plays football for the Dunedin Jr. Falcons.

All of the kids have a goal of making principal’s list and  honor roll this year. Habitat believes in you! Their mother, Latasha, is a Habitat homeowner and she tells us that “Education has always been a key factor in our lives without education their is no success I want my children to grow up and be very successful in life and I’m sure they want the same for themselves.”

A successful education for a child could not be possible without a safe and secure home for the family. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Habitat for Humanity program, please check out our Apply Page on our website for more information.

“Home is where the love and comfort is for my family.”