April 2, 2020

Home Improvement & Safety

Have you ever walked around your home and thought about how safe it actually is? You may think to yourself, “Are there unsafe place the kids could get into and hurt themselves?” Or do you have an elderly family member living in the home with some potential hazards for them?

Safety is always a priority that often gets pushed off in the home due to other factors going on in our busy lives. After taking a moment to think about this, what are some things in your home that need your attention?

When you’re ready to tackle these updates, keep the Habitat ReStore in mind. Our ReStores have items in stock to satisfy those needs. Often times these are easy tasks that could either be done yourself or with a single handyman. If you’ve got kids and live in an older home; switching your outlets for tamper resistant ones will help prevent accidents. If there’s an elderly family member that has trouble getting up; adding a grab bar in the bathroom could mitigate mishaps from happening.

Don’t only worry about others, how about yourself? Is there a door that might be damaged to where it might make it easier for an intruder to break into your house? Replacing that door should be done sooner rather than later. These are all things that you can find at your local ReStore among other great finds.

Oscar Wilde once said, “To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect”. Now is the time to prioritize the safety of your home, and we are here to help. Take ten minutes, walk around your home and think about what some potential hazards are that could be fixed. Once you have your list, keep the ReStore in mind for your home improvement needs.